Pieta, Karol : Keltské osídlenie Slovenska.Mladšia doba laténska (Celtic Settlement in Slovakia.Young LaTène Period)
(Nitra 2008)
Reviewed by Aurel Rustoiu, Instrumentum, 2010-31, p. 36
Site officiel de la revue Instrumentum
Number of words: 335 words
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Karol Pieta Keltské osídlenie Slovenska.Mladšia doba laténska (Celtic Settlement in Slovakia.Young LaTène Period) Archaeologica Slovaca Monographiae. Studia.Tomus XI. Redigit Al.T. Ruttkay, Nitra 2008


The present day Slovakia occupies the largest part of the north of the Carpathian Basin. In the ancient times this region witnessed various cultural manifestations, similar to those from the rest of the Carpathian Basin, but also experienced several influences coming from nearby territories. These factors led to the appearance of some specific cultural patterns, for example the Puchov Culture of the end of the Second Iron Age.


   The book of Karol Pieta is a synthesis of the end of the LaTène period in Slovakia.The author presents in a general manner the transformations produced in the cultural evolution of this region,mainly taking into discussion the late phase of the La Tène period and the early imperial time. His analysis includes problems concerning the evolution and structure of the settlements, as well as their architecture, or the structure and general aspect of the fortifications.


   Very important for the specialists are the chapters concerning various technologies and workshops, the deposits containing iron tools associated with weapons, agricultural implements, military equipment, harnessing accessories etc (the number of these deposits discovered in Slovakia is increasing due to the recent investigations). The regional commercial routes, as well certain aspects concerning the means of transport and the economic exchanges are also included in the book. Some of the workshops and other archaeological structures, together with their analysis, are already known from a series of previous studies of Karol Pieta. Still, many others are published here for the first time. Some chapters discuss problems concerning the agriculture, weaponry or certain aspects of the spiritual or religious life.


   The volume contains rich illustrations, drawings and colour pictures, being published in very good conditions.The aim was to present numerous archaeological discoveries, some already published, but many still unknown. The Slovak text is accompanied by a large English summary and the translation of the list of illustrations, both being very useful. Moreover, the author wishes to publish a German version in the future, making the book even more accessible to a wider circle of researchers.